Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2022-04-20

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  1. Alexander Derveaux
  2. Arthur Smith
  3. Donald Ziff
  4. Jan_ainali
  5. komarov_info
  6. lucaswerkmeister
  7. masssly
  8. miquelduran
  9. moebeus
  10. Nightrose
  11. Nikki
  12. putnik
  13. WikiNorn



2022-04-20T16:03:48 <Mohammed Sadat> Let’s begin with what happened around the development of Wikidata and Wikibase over the last quarter
2022-04-20T16:03:50 <Mohammed Sadat> Over to you Lydia :)
2022-04-20T16:03:58 <Lydia Pintscher> Yay
2022-04-20T16:04:06 <Lydia Pintscher> Thanks Mohammed!
2022-04-20T16:04:16 <Miquel Duran> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2022-04-20T16:04:25 <Lydia Pintscher> There have been quite a few things happening on the Wikidata development side in the last 3 months or so.
2022-04-20T16:04:40 <Lydia Pintscher> Most importantly we released the Mismatch Finder. You can find out more about it here:
2022-04-20T16:04:43 <Nick Komarov> YEEEEAHHH FINALLLY!!!!
2022-04-20T16:05:07 <Lydia Pintscher> It's a tool to help us all find issues in Wikidata based on comparing Wikidata's data with other databases, websites, etc.
2022-04-20T16:05:22 <Lydia Pintscher> We are still looking for more people and organisations to work with us on doing these comparisons.
2022-04-20T16:05:31 <Lydia Pintscher> If you are interested in that please do reach out to me.
2022-04-20T16:05:58 <Lydia Pintscher> If you want to see how the tool works have a look at the short video on the page I linked. It shows how the tool works.
2022-04-20T16:06:26 <Lydia Pintscher> We also spend quite some time on redoing the Special:NewLexeme page and it is starting to take shape.
2022-04-20T16:06:46 <Lydia Pintscher> With this we hope it will be easier to use and understand as well as built on a more modern and solid foundation.
2022-04-20T16:07:19 <Lydia Pintscher> We also started coding on the new REST API for Wikibase that will be used on Wikidata in the future.
2022-04-20T16:07:40 <Lydia Pintscher> We are starting with the ability to get the data of an Item and will then move on to editing later.
2022-04-20T16:08:12 <Lydia Pintscher> There is nothing to show yet but I hope in the next few weeks you'll be able to have a look at the first pieces. Stay tuned and look for more info in the weekly summary newsletter.
2022-04-20T16:08:32 <Lydia Pintscher> We also did a few minor things:
2022-04-20T16:09:15 <Lydia Pintscher> We fixed an issue where the Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects sometimes didn't get an update about a sitelink being added to an Item. That works now and previously caused issues for bots for example.
2022-04-20T16:09:51 <Lydia Pintscher> And we did the groundwork to enable a new language code "mul" soon (TM) that will help with getting rid of some redundand data in labels and aliases for example.
2022-04-20T16:10:35 <Lydia Pintscher> And the final update I have is all the work that the search platform team at the WMF has been doing (with some support from WMDE) on the continued quest to scale the Wikidata Query Service.
2022-04-20T16:10:47 <Lydia Pintscher> There are updates here that I recommend you have a look at:
2022-04-20T16:11:21 <Lydia Pintscher> I especially recommend reading the analysis by Andrea that was recently published about potential alternatives for Blazegraph as the backend. That would very much benefit from your feedback.
2022-04-20T16:11:41 <Lydia Pintscher> How about the Wikibase Ecosystem side, Mohammed?
2022-04-20T16:11:45 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks Lydia!
2022-04-20T16:11:58 <Mohammed Sadat> On the Wikibase side, will launch in the coming week as a closed beta for WBStack users \o/
2022-04-20T16:12:08 <Mohammed Sadat> As is the successor of volunteer-owned WBStack, existing wikis will be the first to be migrated onto the new platform
2022-04-20T16:12:18 <Mohammed Sadat> This will be expanded later so if you want to apply for early access to the private beta, please sign up here -->
2022-04-20T16:12:33 <Mohammed Sadat> Due to our current focus on launching, we are delaying our Wikibase releases -->
2022-04-20T16:12:34 <Mohammed Sadat>
2022-04-20T16:12:46 <Mohammed Sadat> In the summer, we expect to do the next feature release, which will bring Wikibase in line with the MediaWiki releases again
2022-04-20T16:12:58 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, let's move to the next part and take a quick overview of what happened outside of all the development things
2022-04-20T16:13:12 <Mohammed Sadat> We had 3 new admin RfPs in the last 3 months including 1 bot. 2 were successful
2022-04-20T16:13:22 <Mohammed Sadat> Welcome onboard MSGJ and Stang \o/
2022-04-20T16:13:27 <Mohammed Sadat> The 3rd admin RfP, Pi admin bot operated by Mike Peel is scheduled to end in about 2 hrs at 17:58 UTC.
2022-04-20T16:13:29 <Mohammed Sadat> You can still vote d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Administrator/Pi admin bot
2022-04-20T16:13:41 <Mohammed Sadat> We also started adding requests for Bot permissions to the weekly summary
2022-04-20T16:13:47 <Mohammed Sadat> 16 new bot requests were made. 3 requests were approved \o/
2022-04-20T16:13:49 <Mohammed Sadat> Many thanks to the authors of all of these bots
2022-04-20T16:14:00 <Mohammed Sadat> For events, #DataReuseDays happened in March \o/
2022-04-20T16:14:12 <Mohammed Sadat> There were so many interesting presentations highlighting applications and tools using Wikidata's data
2022-04-20T16:14:21 <Mohammed Sadat> a selection of sessions were recorded and all notes and Q&A for each session are archived at d:Wikidata:Events/Data Reuse Days 2022/Outcomes/notes
2022-04-20T16:14:30 <Mohammed Sadat> I can recommend the Wikidata for civic tech session if you haven't seen it already :)
2022-04-20T16:14:35 <Mohammed Sadat>
2022-04-20T16:14:44 <Mohammed Sadat> thanks to everyone who contributed or participated in the event
2022-04-20T16:14:58 <Mohammed Sadat> Watch out for the upcoming #DataQualityDays in July
2022-04-20T16:15:05 <Mohammed Sadat> It’s going to be a flexible program where you can propose and schedule sessions on topics related to making Wikidata’s data more useful and maintaining its high quality.
2022-04-20T16:15:17 <Mohammed Sadat> More details will arrive soon but if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ping @auregann
2022-04-20T16:15:26 <Mohammed Sadat> The Wikimedia Hackathon is back on May 20-22, it will be online with onsite local events, and there will be a Wikidata & Wikibase room with different slots accross time zones
2022-04-20T16:15:33 <Mohammed Sadat> If you’re interested in presenting something during the hackathon, don’t wait too long to book a slot:
2022-04-20T16:15:35 <Mohammed Sadat> mw:Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022/Schedule#The_Wikibase_and_Wikidata_Room
2022-04-20T16:15:41 <Mohammed Sadat> 2022 is the year of Wikidata’s 10th birthday \o/
2022-04-20T16:16:01 <Mohammed Sadat> As in the previous years, we will encourage local groups to organize local meetups and events. We collect all the information on d:Wikidata:Tenth Birthday, and if you’re interested in organizing something, feel free to join the Wikidata Events Telegram group -->
2022-04-20T16:16:08 <Mohammed Sadat>
2022-04-20T16:16:32 <Mohammed Sadat> As usual, if you’re organizing something related to Wikidata, let the community know!
2022-04-20T16:16:37 <Mohammed Sadat> You can add it to the Wikidata newsletter d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and share it on Telegram
2022-04-20T16:16:49 <Mohammed Sadat> Many thanks to people who are talking about Wikidata at conferences, creating videos or livestream sessions about Wikidata, you are awesome :)
2022-04-20T16:17:04 <Mohammed Sadat> As always, many of you created new tools like d:User:Nikki/LexemeTranslations.js script that @nikki wrote to show translations for a lexeme inferred from statements on senses
2022-04-20T16:17:35 <Mohammed Sadat> Some old tools that got increased attention this quarter and you might not know them yet:
2022-04-20T16:17:47 <Mohammed Sadat> Scribe - a keyboard extension based on lexicographical data that can help users remember grammar rules -->
2022-04-20T16:17:56 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikxhibit - a tool that allows anyone, even non-programmers, to create cool presentations of Wikidata only using HTML -->
2022-04-20T16:18:01 <Mohammed Sadat> LOD4Culture - a web application for exploring world-wide cultural heritage -->
2022-04-20T16:18:15 <Mohammed Sadat> Among the newest WikiProjects started over the past months were:
2022-04-20T16:18:23 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:WikiProject Archaeology
2022-04-20T16:18:32 <Mohammed Sadat> d:WikiProject Chemistry/Natural products
2022-04-20T16:18:43 <Mohammed Sadat> WikiProjects are the place where you can team up with others with a particular focus to improve Wikidata. Do check them out and add new ones to the weekly summary!
2022-04-20T16:18:53 <Mohammed Sadat> And finally,
2022-04-20T16:18:57 <Mohammed Sadat> here are a few interesting things to watch and read in different languages:
2022-04-20T16:19:08 <Mohammed Sadat> The CIA lost track of who runs the UK, so I picked up the slack -->
2022-04-20T16:19:17 <Mohammed Sadat> Property exploration: How do I learn more about properties on Wikidata? -->
2022-04-20T16:19:25 <Mohammed Sadat> How we imported the Etymological lexicon of modern Breton from Wikisource into Wikidata lexicographical data -->
2022-04-20T16:19:32 <Mohammed Sadat> Wikidata’s lexemes sparked this librarian’s interest -->
2022-04-20T16:19:40 <Mohammed Sadat> Your favorite interface gadgets on Wikidata (WikidataCon 2021 recording) -->
2022-04-20T16:19:47 <Mohammed Sadat> Working with OpenstreetMap location coordinates on Wikidata -->
2022-04-20T16:19:54 <Mohammed Sadat> Using QuickStatements to load tabular data (in Italian) -->
2022-04-20T16:20:09 <Mohammed Sadat> As a reminder…
2022-04-20T16:20:24 <Mohammed Sadat> The Celtic Knot Conference (dedicated to underserved languages on the Wikimedia project, with a strong focus on Wikidata and lexicographical data) will take place online in 2022
2022-04-20T16:20:31 <Mohammed Sadat> Updates are posted on the event talk page m:Talk:Celtic_Knot_Conference_2022
2022-04-20T16:20:44 <Mohammed Sadat> If you want to know more about the cool things that other community members are doing, or add more to the list: please consider subscribing & contributing to the Wikidata newsletter :) d:Wikidata:Status updates
2022-04-20T16:20:57 <Mohammed Sadat> Now, What’s coming next for Wikidata & Wikibase?
2022-04-20T16:20:59 <Mohammed Sadat> Over to you again Lydia
2022-04-20T16:21:06 <Lydia Pintscher> Thanks!
2022-04-20T16:21:30 <Lydia Pintscher> So around Wikidata the things we'll be working on are:
2022-04-20T16:22:12 <Lydia Pintscher> We'll continue with the Special:NewLexeme page rewrite. If you want to help us test it as we go along please let me know. We'll be doing some testing in the next weeks.
2022-04-20T16:22:45 <Lydia Pintscher> We'll also continue coding on the REST API and I hope soon also have the first things to look at on a test system.
2022-04-20T16:23:17 <Lydia Pintscher> And of course as I said earlier based on a long-standing community request (T285156) we are working on enabling “mul” as a new language code for labels, descriptions, and aliases on Wikidata. This is a special language code meaning “multiple languages”. It is intended to replace the current duplication of certain labels and aliases in many languages
2022-04-20T16:23:46 <Lydia Pintscher> And finally we'll be looking at some of the feedback we already got on the Mismatch Finder and decide how to move forward with that.
2022-04-20T16:23:56 <Lydia Pintscher> How about the Wikibase Ecosystem side?
2022-04-20T16:24:18 <Mohammed Sadat> What is coming next for the Wikibase side: First, we had to say goodbye to Sam Alipio at the end of March
2022-04-20T16:24:21 <Mohammed Sadat>
2022-04-20T16:24:34 <Mohammed Sadat> We are excited to welcome Evelien Zandbergen as PM for in a good month
2022-04-20T16:24:37 <Mohammed Sadat> Soon, we will also be looking for a product manager for Wikibase Suite
2022-04-20T16:24:53 <Mohammed Sadat> After finishing the migrations of wikis, we will welcome more users on
2022-04-20T16:24:56 <Mohammed Sadat> Please sign up here if you’re interested to apply -->
2022-04-20T16:25:10 <Mohammed Sadat> We will be publishing Wikibase security updates soon
2022-04-20T16:25:13 <Mohammed Sadat> Because of our current focus on this update will come a bit later than usual
2022-04-20T16:25:20 <Mohammed Sadat> Okay, that was it from us.
2022-04-20T16:25:26 <Mohammed Sadat> Now do you have any questions for us :D
2022-04-20T16:26:49 <Nick Komarov> Wow, that's a hell of an update! So much new information, I have a lot of new open tabs now and forgot what I wanted to ask...
2022-04-20T16:27:12 <Lydia Pintscher> 😂
2022-04-20T16:27:19 <Donald Ziff> I have some qs about property carrier types:
2022-04-20T16:27:32 <Donald Ziff> Have we considered the following carrier types?

  • markup-text (e.g. italics and superscript)
  • enumerated list (e.g. "red", "orange", "yellow")
  • union (e.g. string | q-item)

And if those have been considered, do you recommend any workarounds?
2022-04-20T16:28:30 <Mohammed Sadat> 1 sec, looking for a related phab ticket
2022-04-20T16:28:43 <Sergey Leschina> Where can I see what websites and properties Mismatch Finder is currently working with? How can we add new ones?
2022-04-20T16:29:22 <Lydia Pintscher> So here are the existing requests for new datatypes:
2022-04-20T16:29:56 <Lydia Pintscher> I think the union one is least likely to happen because it makes it quite a bit more complex to access the data and write tools around it.
2022-04-20T16:30:59 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Sergey Leschina> "Where can I see what…" So far we got mismatches for English Wikipedia and MusicBrainz. You can see the latest uploads here:
2022-04-20T16:31:20 <Lydia Pintscher> We have feedback already that this is not very transparent so we'll look into that more.
2022-04-20T16:31:34 <Lydia Pintscher> As for how to add new ones: there is documentation for that. Let me find a link.
2022-04-20T16:32:00 <Lydia Pintscher>
2022-04-20T16:32:22 <Lydia Pintscher> (still needs to be moved to the project namespace)
2022-04-20T16:32:45 <GreenReaper> Is the right place to look at for info about the in-progress NewLexeme changes or is there a different place where it is described?
2022-04-20T16:33:51 <Lydia Pintscher> So the whole work is being tracked in this project:
2022-04-20T16:33:56 <Nick Komarov> For me the statements in the Wikidata are more important than the Items. Is there any statement-centric frontend UI, where I could see (or even edit) statements as sentences without a focus on the internal item-property-qualifier structure? Has there been maybe a Hackathon/accelerator project for that?
2022-04-20T16:34:00 <Lydia Pintscher> But fair warning: that is not super understandable.
2022-04-20T16:34:08 <Lydia Pintscher> So I'm happy to answer questions you have here.
2022-04-20T16:34:47 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Nick Komarov> "For me the statement…" I am not aware of one. But maybe someone else here?
2022-04-20T16:35:54 <Arthur Smith> reply to <Nick Komarov> "For me the statement…" do you have an example of what you think this could look like? Listeria creates lists of things based on their statements so maybe that's what you are looking for?
2022-04-20T16:36:32 <Nick Komarov> reply to <Arthur Smith> "do you have an examp…" I'd be glad to look at that, please send a link
2022-04-20T16:36:37 <Arthur Smith> Wikidata:Listeria
2022-04-20T16:36:56 <Mohammed Sadat> d:Wikidata:Listeria
2022-04-20T16:38:09 <Donald Ziff> My group is working on migrating a fairly large legacy bibliographic DB to wikibase (FactGrid). We have been using sandbox instances on our laptops to develop and test our migration tools (btw we would love early access to cloud so we can have a shared sandbox instance). It is awkward moving tooling from one instance to another, because the "same" items have different numbers. Have we considered item references by name, not just by number?
2022-04-20T16:39:11 <Nick Komarov> I saw a project "Knowledge crystal" here: , here's an example:
2022-04-20T16:40:02 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Donald Ziff> "My group is working …" Yeah we explicitely stay away from that to be honest because names are not unique and it's important for Wikibase to uniquely identify the concepts.
2022-04-20T16:40:03 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Nick Komarov> "For me the statement…" Well, without items, you cannot form statements that links to items (which sort of is what linked data is about) so this feels like a very strange notion to me.
2022-04-20T16:40:44 <Moebeus> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "So far we got mismat…" not to be a negative Nelly, but Soweego finding Musicbrainz mismatches? I don't think any single bot ever has introduced more of them in the music space. Not counting the Billboard IDs import, as that was done by a human that should know better ;)
2022-04-20T16:41:31 <Alexander Derveaux> Can you use measurement units the same way in wikibase as on wikidata? For now I haven't found a way to implement these and I've been doing it with a workaround - putting measurement unit as a qualifier property and then the measurement unit behind it. Preferably I would want to work with constraints, I know there is an extension but that was purely informative I thought.
2022-04-20T16:41:44 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Moebeus> "not to be a negative…" Hehe fair enough and important to know. And thankfully the Mismatch Finder explicitely requires a person to look at what is happening and not just do stuff automagically :D
2022-04-20T16:41:58 <Nick Komarov> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Well, without items,…" I never proposed to remove or discard items itself, I was just wondering if there is a less low-level presentation tool, any alternative UI
2022-04-20T16:42:37 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "Can you use measurem…" do you have an example Alex?
2022-04-20T16:44:17 <Alexander Derveaux> <photo> So this is wikidata
2022-04-20T16:44:41 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Nick Komarov> "I never proposed to …" Well, it's unclear to me what you even mean with what a statement is unless it also have a value. Do you mean that you would like to see what properties are used in statements on items?
2022-04-20T16:45:41 <Alexander Derveaux> <photo> And this is my workaround in wikibase
2022-04-20T16:46:43 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "<photo> And this is …" Ah your Property "hoggte" needs to be of datatype quantity. Is it?
2022-04-20T16:47:17 <Lydia Pintscher> On you can see all the datatypes available on Wikidata. And there is the same special page on your Wikibase to list the ones you have there.
2022-04-20T16:47:59 <Lydia Pintscher> And you can see the datatype of a Property on the Property page below the label/description/aliases box
2022-04-20T16:49:01 <Moebeus> I was reminded of this one from 2018 by one of our grumpier colleagues on Twitter earlier: Any plans to work on that / make a decision not to work on that ?
2022-04-20T16:49:39 <Alexander Derveaux> it is a quantity. But in Wikibase the units of measurement are not defined. So you can't put the unit measurement in there. Therefore i did a workaround where I put meeteenheid (measurement unit) as a property qualifier and then the unit of measurement as an item behind that
2022-04-20T16:49:52 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Moebeus> "I was reminded of th…" 😬 The workarounds are still being worked on but got stalled a bit unfortunately. Will let Manuel know to bump it up again.
2022-04-20T16:51:25 <Mohammed Sadat> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "it is a quantity. Bu…" let me run this with Adam
2022-04-20T16:52:03 <Donald Ziff> The pattern language for the "external identifier" type is quite restricted: I think it only allows a magic "$1" at the end. Have we considered a more flexible rewrite using regular expression capture groups?
2022-04-20T16:52:03 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Well, it's unclear t…" If that's the case, you can just add
.wikibase-statementview { display:none ; }
to your common.css
2022-04-20T16:52:04 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "it is a quantity. Bu…" as far as I’m aware, any item can be used as a quantity unit, no special config should be required…
2022-04-20T16:52:33 <Lucas Werkmeister> (or at least it seems to work fine on my local Wikibase and I don’t remember configuring anything in that direction)
2022-04-20T16:53:16 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Donald Ziff> "The pattern language…" On Wikidata people set up a small toolfoge project to do redirects for this. (I think Arthur did it.) If you have more elaborate needs it'd be good to open a ticket on Phabricator about it.
2022-04-20T16:54:43 <Nikki> we used to do it via a gadget, is there a reason we're not still doing that?
2022-04-20T16:55:24 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Nikki> "we used to do it via…" I think mostly because we also want it in all the export formats and not just the UI
2022-04-20T16:55:28 <Lucas Werkmeister> reply to <Donald Ziff> "The pattern language…" something like this was proposed under the “applies if regular expression matches” property proposal, but unfortunately that property was created without any input from the development team (our input would have been “it’s not that easy”, basically), so it hasn’t gone anywhere since then as far as I remember [1]
2022-04-20T16:55:40 <Arthur Smith> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "On Wikidata people s…" and I believe the reason it's not in the WIkidata UI itself is because allowing arbitrary regular expressions can cause PHP to blow up sometimes 🙂
2022-04-20T16:56:08 <Lucas Werkmeister> yeah, basically that ^
2022-04-20T16:56:21 <Nikki> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I think mostly becau…" but do we really want that? I don't think we should be exporting toolforge links like that
2022-04-20T16:56:36 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Nikki> "but do we really wan…" arguable yeah
2022-04-20T16:57:49 <Alexander Derveaux> reply to <Lucas Werkmeister> "as far as I’m aware,…" Hmm, with me it gives an error when i try to enter something as unit on the mainsnak level. That's why I started with the workaround.
2022-04-20T16:58:06 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "Hmm, with me it give…" Which error?
2022-04-20T16:58:08 <Donald Ziff> reply to <Arthur Smith> "and I believe the re…" Yeah, I can see that it would have to be quite carefully designed. I'm not quite sure I'm following the threaded conversations correctly: is there something like this on toolforge?
2022-04-20T16:58:19 <Arthur Smith> reply to <Nikki> "but do we really wan…" I think it's only used for about 1% of external id properties. 99% of them have formatter URL's that work fine with the Wikidata UI limitation.
2022-04-20T16:59:45 <Alexander Derveaux> <photo> So to be clear, i mean here
2022-04-20T17:00:31 <Alexander Derveaux> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "<photo> So to be cle…" Then i get the error: Could not save due to an error.
Illegal value: meter
2022-04-20T17:00:39 <GreenReaper> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "So the whole work is…" Thanks. I was messing with it a year ago and it was definitely "fun" poking at that form, I think I had to define a mapping equivalent of P218 (iso code) in WBStack and then it worked better, but then of course I wanted to describe languages that did not have such a code, e.g 😅
I think that is
2022-04-20T17:01:15 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Alexander Derveaux> "Then i get the error…" Ok. If you can could you share a link to your Wikibase? You can also do it later to Mohammed.
2022-04-20T17:01:32 <Alexander Derveaux> sure!
2022-04-20T17:01:32 <Arthur Smith> reply to <Donald Ziff> "Yeah, I can see that…" yes - see the formatter URL for P4033 for exampmle.
2022-04-20T17:02:05 <Nikki> reply to <GreenReaper> "Thanks. I was messin…" you should be able to select "mis" from the field that appears after selecting a language that doesn't have an iso 639-1 code
2022-04-20T17:02:06 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <GreenReaper> "Thanks. I was messin…" Hehe yeah. And good to know that was an issue. Will take a closer look again as well.
2022-04-20T17:02:32 <Mohammed Sadat> We're approaching the end of the office hour. Is there anything else on your mind you'd like to ask the team about Development?
2022-04-20T17:02:58 <Mohammed Sadat> we're actually on the hour :)
2022-04-20T17:02:58 <Donald Ziff> reply to <Arthur Smith> "yes - see the format…" Thanks!
2022-04-20T17:03:40 <Donald Ziff> And thanks to all for making yourselves available!
2022-04-20T17:04:22 <Mohammed Sadat> Thanks so much, everyone for attending and asking questions
2022-04-20T17:04:32 <Nick Komarov> Thank you for your openness, it's great to be able to ask (stupid) questions directly
2022-04-20T17:04:56 <Mohammed Sadat> you're welcome :)
2022-04-20T17:05:04 <Mohammed Sadat> see you around :)